Principal - Lesley Welsh
Principal - Lesley Welsh




Head of Faculty: Miss K Pickles

Second in Faculty: Miss N Simm

Click here for our Curriculum Progression Pathway for English


Faculty Information

Our faculty is characterised by enthusiasm, passion for our subject and commitment to providing the best possible experience for all students in every English lesson at George Pindar School. Our main aim is to achieve the highest possible standards for all of our students, allowing them to attain their best grades in English. We hope that our students will enjoy their work in English, and we strive to ensure that our curriculum offers a rich and diverse range of learning experiences. As a team, we believe that all students should enjoy learning and that each student should have an equal opportunity to achieve their maximum learning potential. We encourage students come to English lessons with the expectation that they will be valued and encouraged but that their lessons will be demanding, rigorous and enjoyable.

Learners in English lessons will be:

  • Engaged in suitable activities – to acquire or consolidate concepts and skills
  • Challenged – in relation to their earlier work. Students should be able to understand and cope successfully with lesson content, but only with intellectual, physical or creative effort
  • Productive – students should be working at the optimum pace
  • Motivated – students should be seeking help when needed and staying on task
  • Collaborative – students will work together to explore the subject

Teaching in English lessons will be:

  • Discursive – characterised by high quality work
  • Interactive – students contributions are encouraged, expected and extended
  • Well-paced – there is a sense of urgency, driven by the need to make progress and succeed
  • Confident – teachers have a clear understanding of their objectives – both short and long term
  • Ambitious – there is an optimism about high expectations of success

Curriculum information

We are constantly looking to hone and develop our English curriculum to ensure that it will inspire and engage students at both Key Stages 3 and 4. Our mission is to ensure that all students leave George Pindar School with the English skills that they need to succeed, both in education and in life beyond school.

Key Stage 3 English

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum covers a variety of topics ranging from exploring Shakespeare, George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ and John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ to looking at exploring a range of poetry.

Key Stage 4 – English Language & English Literature

English Language GCSE

100% Exam

Exam Board: Eduqas

When studying English Language, students will consolidate and build on the literacy skills they will need in the wider world. They will develop their transactional writing expertise – through the writing of narratives, letters, speeches and through article writing. In addition, students will examine a wide range of non-fiction and fiction texts in order to progress their inference skills.

English Literature GCSE

100% Exam

Exam Board: AQA: English Literature

Students will study a diverse range of texts by authors such as J B Priestley, Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare. They will also learn how social, historical and cultural context impacts on these works, encountering issues such as prejudice, the changing roles of women and the dark side of humanity. 

GCSE – Parental Knowledge Organiser

Are you worried about how you can support your child with their English work? These parental knowledge organisers give you tips on how you can support your child’s learning from home. They have reminders of what they are being taught in their classes, support tasks where they can revise and remind themselves of key themes and characters, extension tasks that your child can do to widen their understanding and knowledge and suggested further reading. 
You can start to help your child prepare for September by looking at what they will be studying and then clicking the relevant downloadable files below:
Literature Paper 1 – Macbeth and A Christmas Carol
Literature Paper 2 – An Inspector Calls and Power and Conflict

For all GCSE students, these student knowledge organisers are there to help your revision. They are separated into their correct papers and sections. Use them to help you recap the key concepts of each text.