Principal - Lesley Welsh
Principal - Lesley Welsh


If you need help…

Life without formal school and contact with friends and staff may have been very difficult for some of you. We understand that some of you may be experiencing feelings or situations which can sometimes feel hard to cope with or are overwhelming. We know that everyone will be feeling differently about the return to school too.

We are here to help

Please remember that there are a number of other organisations available to help you. If you want to talk to a member of school staff about how you are feeling, text 07895 132530 and we will call you back as soon as we can.

Finding support online
Other ways in which you can access support are:
We are here for you so please get in touch if we can help.
Support in our local community

We are delighted to work with Westway Open Arms at George Pindar School who are important members of our community. During the Coronavirus pandemic, financial pressures may have increased and we want to support our families where possible.

Westway Open Arms is a social action and crisis centre based in Eastfield. If you find yourself struggling at this time, or over the summer holidays, please contact school on 01723 582194 or email so that we can make a referral to the centre for you to be seen. In order to make a referral we will share your name and phone number with the centre. Families can also simply go along to the centre without a referral.

We understand that some people don’t feel comfortable accessing a food bank, but Westway Open Arms is more than just a food bank. You could be going to the centre for any reason, activity or session and people visit for a variety of reasons. The centre is open Monday-Thursday, however, please check the Holy Nativity Church and Westway Open Arms Facebook page so that you know the opening times, as these will vary for the foreseeable future during Covid-19 restrictions.