Principal - Lesley Welsh
Principal - Lesley Welsh



Attendance Matters

In order that all pupils who attend George Pindar School are able to gain the greatest benefit from their education, it is essential that they attend school regularly and punctually. If pupils are absent from school, they are missing out on vital learning time along with essential social time with their friends and peers, which could impact negatively on their learning and academic progress as well as their social and emotional well-being. 

In order to help prevent our children at George Pindar School from being disadvantaged in this way, please support us by ensuring your child attends school on time every day. 

Staff at George Pindar School work hard to ensure that all pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each and every one to realise their true potential. Staff offer a welcoming and caring environment, whereby each member of the school community is able to feel safe and respected.

We recognise that promoting good attendance and punctuality prepares students for the disciplines of adult working life. Every member of the school will work to raise the attendance levels of the school.


The Attendance Team

The attendance team are here to support pupils and to discuss and resolve worries around regular school attendance. They can be contacted on 01723 582194 or via the EduLink app.

Miss L Ager – Senior Attendance and Behaviour Officer

Mrs Firth – Parent Support Advisor


How Parents can Support Regular School Attendance
  • Make sure that your child leaves for school with plenty of time to arrive punctually.
  • Support and encourage your child by attending parents’ evening and other events.
  • Contact school to discuss any concerns regarding your child’s attendance.
  • Work with school to resolve any issues that may be causing or having an impact on your child’s attendance.
  • Attempt to make medical appointments outside of school hours whenever possible. On the occasion that appointments unavoidably fall within the school day, we expect children to attend before and after the appointments where possible, to cause minimum disruption to their learning.
  • Not take your child out of school for holidays in term time or for other unnecessary absences.

It is important that students are punctual so that they do not miss out on the beginning of each school day. Students must attend registration on time (by 8.40am) to be given a present mark.

Arrival after the start of morning registration (8.40am) will be recorded as late and a late detention will be issued; students attend these late detentions after school the following day.

Failure to attend registration will result in a text message being sent to parents / carers requesting contact be made to explain the absence.


Reporting an Absence

It is important that absences are reported before 8.40am on the first day and each subsequent day of absence. Absences can be reported a number of ways:

When reporting an absence, please inform school of the reason for this. Failure to do so may result in your child being marked with unauthorised absence.

Research shows that there is a significant link between absence from school and low attainment. There are only 190 school days in each year; this leaves 175 non-school days for other activities. If a child fails to attend school for one day every two weeks throughout secondary school, they will miss the equivalent of one full year of their school life.


Reporting an Absence

It is important that absences are reported before 8.40am on the first day and each subsequent day of absence. Absences can be reported a number of ways:

When reporting an absence, please inform school of the reason for this. Failure to do so may result in your child being marked with unauthorised absence.