In order to make our remote learning offer even more useful, we would like to upload recorded live lessons to Google Classrooms. A new consent form for live lessons has therefore been produced and we would like parents/carers to complete this immediately!
Please CLICK HERE to read the Code of Conduct and fill in the short consent form.
Google Classroom
At George Pindar School work is provided if you are absent for any reason, including for absences related to the Coronavirus pandemic.
All work is provided using the Google Classroom platform.
You can find out about how to access work by watching this presentation or by watching the video produced by Ms Pickering:
Watch the video below for advice about how to communicate with your teachers when using Google Classroom.
Watch the video below for advice on time management and how to find your work on Google Classroom.
How to hand in work
Please take a look at this guide on to how to hand in work to your teachers via Google Classroom
SAM Learning
Please remember that you can revise at any time by completing activities on SAM Learning. Teachers regularly set work on this platform.
The Centre ID is YO1GP and your username and password are your date of birth plus first and last name initial e.g. 251109jb