Principal - Lesley Welsh
Principal - Lesley Welsh


Year 7 Form Tutor Parents Meeting – 13 October 2020

As you may be aware, the first formal event of the academic year is due to take place for Year 7 parents and carers on Tuesday 13 October 2020. The purpose of this event is for you to meet your child’s form tutor, discuss his/her progress and share with us any concerns that you may have. We believe it is important that you speak to your son/daughter’s form tutor early in Year 7 so that any issues can be dealt with and so that the tutor can pass to you information that you can share with your child, particularly anything of a positive nature and targets to work towards as your child settles in to George Pindar School.

Due to the current restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus, we are unable to offer face-to-face appointments on this evening; however we would like to arrange telephone conversations with every Year 7 family on the 13 October at a mutually convenient time.

Read the full letter here