Principal - Lesley Welsh
Principal - Lesley Welsh


Safeguarding and Wellbeing Bulletin – Spring 2022

Safeguarding and Wellbeing Bulletin – Spring 2022

At George Pindar School we are continually working to support students in feeling safe and well at school and to enable them to flourish both within and outside of school.

Within school, Mr Murray and Miss Pickles lead the safeguarding and pastoral support alongside the Heads of Year and Form Tutors to offer guidance when needed to all of our students and their parents/carers where appropriate.

We have developed our relationships with the various external agencies to provide additional guidance and support – including the Sidewalk Youth Project, NY Youth Mentoring, NHS North Yorkshire, North Yorkshire Police, Compass Phoenix, Kooth Counselling, Early Help and CAMHS to name but a few services we work with.

Read the full newsletter here