As you start Key Stage 4, you will be following a range of courses that will lead to external qualifications. Some will be GCSEs, others may be other qualifications which are the equivalent of a GCSE.
The opportunities open to you in the future will depend on what you achieve during these years. For example, to be able to follow many sixth form and college courses, you will have to gain several GCSE passes at grade 5 or higher. However, it is not just a matter of gaining qualifications – all achievements are important, from taking part in additional activities in school to demonstrating our school values by striving for success and being #ProudToBePindar.
We are here to help you make the best choices for your future.
Even though we are not all currently in school, we will endeavour to provide an options experience that will support you through every step of the process. We want you to make an informed choice and be happy about the subjects you will ultimately take to examination.
Our Options Booklet contains a wealth of information about the options process as well as an informative course guide for each subject, so please do read it carefully.
You can take a look at our subject videos here.
If you were unable to attend the Virtual Options Evening, or if you would like to hear the information again, we’ve uploaded a recording of the presentation for you below:
Tuesday 2 March 2021: Virtual Options Evening: An opportunity to listen to your teachers talk about their subjects, including course content, post-16 opportunities and whether or not their subject would be suitable for you. You will also learn how to complete your options choices online.
To see the presentation from the Virtual Options Evening please see above.
Friday 19 March 2021: Deadline for options choices to be completed online by students.
We are here to help! If you have any queries about the options process, please contact: Mrs Prentice or Mr Thompson